Please read these tips before shipping
1) If you are using quick bleeders on your forks,
remove and replace with stock bleed screws.
(Quick bleeders will leak during shipping!)
2) Put your last name on forks and shocks.
3) Be sure to put a zip ty through shock bearings.
4) Remove fork guards and axle lug bolts.
5) Make sure forks and shocks are as clean as possible!
6) If you are using a box please bubble wrap and tape well!
7) Gun cases work great! Very protective and convenient.
8) It is recommended that you insure your suspension for $2,500.
($1,500 Forks / $1,000 Shocks)
9) Complete the online Rider Info Form
10) Ship to: Total Control 1965 McCray Road Burlington NC 27217
(We recommend using Fed Ex or UPS)
* Please notify us if you need a shipping box or a ship label supplied for you
* Please notify us if you have supplied your own return ship label inside box or case